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I rewatched the Little Devil Inside trailer and I must have been looking away from the screen when these little masked tribal dudes appeared the first time around
I guess
I just sort of assumed we stopped doing this https://t.co/beejqdDm9e
Че, пацаны, расизм?
I was so excited for Little Devil Inside.

Then I noticed these enemy types.

bruh. 🤦🏽‍♂ https://t.co/q5RK50orQy
Че, пацаны, расизм?
(CW racism) So back to politics... are we just not gonna address that Little Devil Inside seems to randomly have racist-looking caricatures of "natives" as enemies? Like, I was somewhat interested in that game until I saw that, then I just loudly sighed. https://t.co/6b15vBqcBu
Че, пацаны, расизм?
Little Devil Inside seems really cool but hey 👋 what the fuck is with this character design here.

This was greenlit?? Really??? https://t.co/rDlK26Zt8y
Че, пацаны, расизм?
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Что там за игра была про черный комок шерсти от которого у СЖВ бомбанули и разработчики переделали ему дизайн?
