Порассуждаем о лоре Final Fantasy XVI

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Порассуждаем о лоре Final Fantasy XVI
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Королевство Валодь

Waloed claims the entirety of Ash, the eastern half of Valisthea, as its dominion. The kingdom's control of the continent has oft been tested by the orcs and other beastmen who make their home there, but the current ruler of the realm — Dominant of — has succeeded in quelling their rebellions. Using the power of the kingdom's Mothercrystal, Drake's Spine, this new king has built up a mighty army, with which he now seeks to test the borders of his neighbors.

Ну це тупо Русь. Россия. Россиюшка. Наверняка наряду с Империей будет основным антагонистом.


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