«Будущее игр, каким его видит Google»: тизер презентации компании на GDC 2019

Она пройдёт 19 марта в 20:00 по московскому времени.

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вот инфы поболее даже скрин UI разраба есть
(we knew this already) Two pillars: streaming and a traditional home console, codename Metallurgy
Exclusive games using known IPs, funded by Google
Designed so games developed for the console will translate easily to streaming service
Streaming service will launch before the hardware
Currently planning two consoles, one weaker ("Steel") and one stronger ("Titanium")
"Steel" could be dropped because of production costs
"Titanium" is more powerful than Xbox One X
Sleep mode
Developers supporting the Google console:
SEGA (major revivals)
Google's own first-party
