Grimoire: Heralds of the Winged Exemplar. Иногда стоит лишь подождать

Рассказ о лучшей CRPG 2017 года, которая делалась больше двадцати лет.

Астральный план. Провал каста заклинания убил бы всю партию.
8585 показов
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66 репостов

О, вот и Гримуар подоспел! Спасибо за статью, но где же описание вскрытия замков? =D

И теперь требую статью про Stones of Arnheim отдельно, со всеми Кливо-байками.


со всеми Кливо-байками.I just wanted to add, for those semi-autistic people who are on this thread who have trouble recognizing hyperbole, that there wasn't really a waist-deep pile of sex toys in the bathroom in Max Phipps apartment. Here I'll tell the literal truth about Max Phipps bathroom instead of the colorful version ...

When you entered the already cramped bathroom, there was always a vibrator behind the sink faucets. Why a man needed to keep a vibrator in the open in his bathroom, I'll never understand.

The bathroom was already cramped. Max Phipps had picked this as a place to store a padded sex couch (elevates a man's ass who lies on it stomach first) with metal railings in here around the same size as your typical Sears weight bench. So in order to be able to sit on the toilet, you had to push this bench backs towards the wall so that it now blocked the door to exit.

But wait, I have not got to the best part yet. Max always had a series of strapped bondage gear and strap-on paraphernalia that was drying over the shower curtain rod. It is like he had to have some massive cleanup each night after some wild gay bacchanalia he conducted in his apartment. I will give the man one thing - he was concerned with hygiene because the place smelled very strongly of the bleach that all this stuff was soaked in before it dried out.

So once you were seated on the toilet, it was impossible to simply turn your head to the left even an inch because there was usually a 9 inch rubber dildo hanging at nose level on the strap-on right in front of your face on the curtain rod.

You might try to think to yourself ... This is an absurd situation, I'll just try to make the best of it, perhaps read something, keep my head to the right and pretend I don't see any of this stuff. There was the strange occasional bump to your left shoulder that was like something in a horror movie, you just knew it was the rubber dildo poking into your back on that side but you sat there quietly ignoring it. You would reach for the stack of literature that was piled to one side beneath the sink ... let's see if we can find something here ...


.... (rifling through around thirty gay magazines) ....

... Okay ... here's a flyer from Target.

You'd turn the pages, looking at consumer items on sale ... then notice when it got to the menswear section there were a series of bizarre stains on the pages ... recoil in horror and throw it back onto the pile.


Спасибо за статью, но где же описание вскрытия замков? =DАААААА!!!!! Так и знал, что забыл что-то! Там же еще загадки как в Крондоре.


Замки на сундуках. Зависят от навыков Inspection и Lockpicking.
Немного походит на мини-игру в System Shock 1, где ты переключал провода.
При нажатии на кнопочки "?" есть шанс узнать какая точка слева соединяется с точкой справа (или наоборот, если тыкаем на правые "вопросы"). На вероятность узнать как это работает влияет Inspection. Потом мы режем проволочки, тыкая слева от замочной скважины, а потом и справа. При ошибках ловушка может сработать. Тут уже помогает lockpicking. Внизу звездочки - вероятность того, что что-то пойдет не так. После того как мы перерезали большую часть проволочек, можно нажимать OPEN.
Замки на дверях попробую тоже найти, но не уверен что получится, так как я их все в игре вскрыл.
Разумеется, чтобы вскрыть замок, можно и скастануть Knock-knock.
