Подборка интересных работ 3!

Подборка интересных работ 3!

Paints used:

ScaleColor Walnut

VGC Pale Flesh

Citadel Cadian Fleshtone

VMC Sky grey

VMC Black

Citadel Reikland Fleshshade

Citadel Carroburg Crimson

Citadel Druchii Violet

1) Airbrush Walnut onto the black sail (either try freehand or use masking tape to not mess up the mast colors)

2) Paint thin lines with diluted black, those don't need to be straight as we are painting flesh

3) tear up some blister foam or a household sponge, grab with tweezers and dab on a watered down mix of walnut+Cadian Fleshtone. Be random, you want to create a grungy texture.

4) Carefully dap a watered down mix of walnut+cadian Fleshtone +pale flesh onto some parts of the sail. I used a piece of cutout cardboard to keep it from touching neighboring sail parts

5) apply some Carroburg Crimson with an old frayed brush tap on some details. Use a brush with a good tip to add some thin scratches to the sails. Afterwards you can shade sail parts with Citadel shades of your choice to add some variety (I used Druchii Violet and Reikland Fleshshade)

6) repaint the lines in black and add a thin line of walnut+cadian+pale flesh underneath for the optical illusion.

7) add the stitch holes by tapping small holes of black and add a small line of the highlight color you previously used underneath

8) "sew" the sails by painting small lines of sky grey between the holes

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