Обзор комплектующих Xbox Series X от Digital Foundry
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Я бы поставил ещё один вентилятор снизу для большего забора воздуха, и плевать, что ящик стал бы выше или на какую то долю процента шумнее...


In order to maintain the same kind of acoustic performance seen on Xbox One X, a number of components are required, but it starts with hardware built into the processor itself. Readings from 64 diodes on the SoC are continually monitored, feeding a fan algorithm in the system firmware that keeps the system as quiet as possible, while delivering cooling power when it's needed. "With all that power, you have to move a lot of air and you want to move it quietly," says Jim Wahl. "We studied many different ways of doing air movement in a product and a single axial fan was the most efficient, the quietest air mover for our system... we do a bunch of customisations here, so the number of blades, particularly the blade geometry, is highly highly optimised to operate within the confines of our system.
