Более 40 тысяч человек подписали петицию, выдвигающую Дэнни ДеВито на роль Росомахи

Шуточная акция быстро стала вирусной.

19K19K открытий

- I'm an X-Meeeen! I come out, i throw Sabretooth all over the Stryker's military base and then! I start drinking beer! And then i pick up this crappy Deadpool from Wolverine's first movie and smash the guy in the head!
- Danny, this is gonna be a disaster!
- Nah, man, nobody's gonna get hurt, it's PG-13, just like Disney asked!
- But it has nothing to do with good casting! A sixty year old man playing Wolverine, no one wants to see that!
- That's what people on Change-org want...
