История Мира Disco Elysium

Небольшая лекция о мире Элизиума: его политике, истории, географии и мироустройстве.

История Мира Disco Elysium
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Спасибо за огромный лонг. Не все осилил, потом посмотрю видео целиком, но интересно сейчас это: как открывались новые Земли и Филипп Пятый уехал в Граад, если там Серость была, а справляться с нею научились позже? Или ее тогда еще не было?


Не все осилил, потом посмотрю видео целиком, но интересно сейчас это: как открывались новые Земли и Филипп Пятый уехал в Граад, если там Серость была, а справляться с нею научились позже? Или ее тогда еще не было?Уже была.
Научились при Ирене Навигаторе.

The pale was thought to be impregnable, perpetual. Irene La Navigateur, the Queen of Suresne, sent eight expeditions, one after the other, into the mass at the edge of the world. Five of the crews did not return. Two others lost their minds. After years of trial and error and the development of a *strict* psychological regime imitating the creation process of poetry the eighth expedition returned — sane and intact. They told of a new continent of matter. They told the queen and her councillor, Dolores Dei, that the pale had began to condense, day after day, hour after hour, minute after minute, leading to the discovery of a new isola.

Their travel was made possible by the fact that is possible to force dimensions on the pale and in modern times humans can even compress its latitude, bouncing radio waves from one end to the other and shortening the path. However, the only real advance in pale transit is the speed with which an aerostatic craft can pierce it — less exposure leads to less adverse effects later. Aerostatics are hybrid airships, necessary as conventional rotors or jet engines no longer add velocity after the point of reference for motion is suspended once they crossed from near pale to far pale.

However, it is still hard for humans to navigate the pale without getting lost or suffering mind damage. Some say the damage stems from extreme sensory deprivation. Others that pale somehow consists of past information, that's degrading. That it's rarefied past, not rarefied matter. They call it the blend-over of the self — the pale does not only suspend the laws of physics, but also the laws of psychology; maybe History, even — the human mind becomes over-radiated by past.

Overradiation is a horrible feeling and international standards strictly limit civilian travellers to six days of pale exposure per year. Members of the Entroponetic Business Class are specifically cleared and trained for 22 days of pale travel annually.

Notably, there are signs of pretermodern crossings. Successful navigation of the pale relies not just on technical know-how, but intensive psychic preparation. Some of these tactics have been known for thousands of years.
