Маск против Дисней и прочий "отоночо, Михалыч"
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503503 открытия
Вместо запуска на Марс, Маск запустил лапы к жене Брина
Вместо запуска на Марс, Маск запустил лапы к жене Брина

SHOCK: Sergey Brin filed for divorce after his wife began cuckolding him with Elon Musk. The Google founder wasn't willing to accept Nicole Shanahan's proposal of a one-way polyamorous relationship. Brin is reportedly angry with Musk for not consulting him prior to having sex with his wife.

326326 открытий
Дом Илона Маска за 50 000 $ и аналоги

Ещё немного и я дождусь модульного дома из Сабнавтики а пока смотрим на современные решения.

244244 открытия
WATCH LIVE: Virgin Galactic Unity 22 Spaceflight Livestream

Join us July 11th for our first fully crewed rocket powered test flight, and the beginning of a new space age.

33 показа
4242 открытия
Virgin Galactic Completes First-Ever Spaceflight from New Mexico

On May 22, 2021, Virgin Galactic's VSS Unity spaceship completed the first-ever human spaceflight from Spaceport America, New Mexico, with two pilots reaching apogee at 55.45 miles above ground. The flight is a meaningful step toward the opening of commercial space travel.

5252 открытия
Watch LIVE: Virgin Galactic’s Unity 22 spaceflight

The livestream is being hosted by The Late Show’s Stephen Colbert and will feature a performance from superstar singer Khalid.
You’ll be able to see for yourself the extraordinary experience Virgin Galactic is creating for future astronauts.
The “Unity 22” mission is the twenty-second flight test for VSS Unity and Virgin Galactic’s fo…

4848 открытий
Компания Caviar выпустила тематическую линейку премиальных iPhone 12 — Покорители космоса, посвященную Дню космонавтики
Компания Caviar выпустила тематическую линейку премиальных iPhone 12 — Покорители космоса, посвященную Дню космонавтики
1.1K1.1K открытий