Все, теперь я официальный юнитист, разработчик

Все, теперь я официальный юнитист, разработчик
Все, теперь я официальный юнитист, разработчик

Вот полный списек моих умений

Unity Editor Essentials
Identify and use essential features of the Unity Editor.
Create and Manage Scenes
Navigate in 3D space in the Scene view
Navigate in 2D space in the Scene view
Scene Building Essentials
Identify the default elements in a new Scene
Create GameObjects
Manipulate GameObjects
Work with components and Scripts
Change the appearance of GameObjects
Implement basic physics for GameObjects
Employ prefabs in order to manage the GameObjects in a scene or project
Create a GameObject component with a script
Apply components to GameObjects
Unity Editor Essentials
Identify and use essential features of the Unity Editor.
Create and Manage Scenes
Navigate in 3D space in the Scene view
Navigate in 2D space in the Scene view
Scene Building Essentials
Identify the default elements in a new Scene
Create GameObjects
Manipulate GameObjects
Work with components and Scripts
Change the appearance of GameObjects
Implement basic physics for GameObjects
Beginner Unity Cameras
Decide which Camera setup to use, given a project’s requirements
Configure a single Unity Camera in a 2D or 3D scene
Synthesize your new camera skills in response to project requirements
Beginner Lighting
Implement appropriate lighting in a scene in a manner that will simulate the real-world behavior of light
Decide the appropriate lighting system in order to achieve common outcomes in a Universal Render Pipeline (URP) project
Configure ambient (diffuse environmental) lighting in order to convey mood or enhance realism
Generate a lightmap in order to implement baked lighting in a scene
Configure light sources and shadows in order to functionally light a scene
Configure Light Probes in order to increase the realism of baked lighting
Configure Reflection Probes in order to achieve accurate reflections
Troubleshoot common lighting errors in order to appropriately light a scene
Synthesize your new lighting skills in response to project requirements
Audio Essentials
Implement and modify basic 2D audio and 3D audio in a scene.
Employ prefabs in order to manage the GameObjects in a scene or project
Create a GameObject component with a script
Apply components to GameObjects
Level 1 Application Scripting
Use common logic structures to control the execution of code.
Write code that utilizes the various Unity APIs
Implement appropriate data types
Write code that integrates into an existing system
Implement a code style that is efficient and easy to read
Prototype new concepts
Level 1 Code Comprehension
Interpret simple code
Improve simple code using the features of an IDE
Scene Building Essentials
Identify the default elements in a new Scene
Create GameObjects
Manipulate GameObjects
Work with components and Scripts
Change the appearance of GameObjects
Implement basic physics for GameObjects
Unity Editor Essentials
Identify and use essential features of the Unity Editor.
Create and Manage Scenes
Navigate in 3D space in the Scene view
Navigate in 2D space in the Scene view
Beginner User Interface
Decide on a user interface approach for a project
Create and configure visual UI components in a manner that will respond appropriately to different screen sizes and resolutions
Create and configure interactive UI components such as buttons, toggles, and sliders, in order to implement simple UI functionality
Level 2: 2D Art
Employ the Sprite Editor to slice sprite sheets
Scene Building Essentials
Identify the default elements in a new Scene
Create GameObjects
Manipulate GameObjects
Work with components and Scripts
Change the appearance of GameObjects
Implement basic physics for GameObjects
Create and share a basic build

Все, теперь я официальный юнитист, разработчик

Да пдф все уплотнил, поетому разделы у пункты идут на одной линии, а мне лень.

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