Утренний эфир DTF: 2 февраля 2018 года

Тема дня: Read Dead Redemption 2 выйдет 26 октября.


Так как я не "начинающий блогер", сам постить не буду. Но вот вам материал https://www.comicbookmovie.com/black_panther/thousands-of-dc-fans-are-planning-to-sabotage-black-panthers-audience-score-on-rotten-tomatoes-a157513

Given the massive success of the audience review rigging on the Rotten Tomatoes site for Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and due to the sudden rise in those disgruntled with Disney business practices among other factors especially due to the corporate manipulations which created falsified bad press for the DCEU, I feel that it's time to strike back at all those under Disney and bring down the house of mouse's actions for paying off the critics that hurt DC Comics on film and for other parties affected by them.
I'll be making events like this for Infinity War and the Netflix shows etc so we can rally together to truly make a difference. Share this with your friends and all potential sympathizers.

P.S. If you want to spread spoilers to Marvel fanboys, use this event as a platform to inform us of targets!

Обратил внимание, что Павлы очень хорошо работают "в связке". Выпуск получился длинным и содержательным, обсуждения тоже в тему. Отличная альтернатива "основному" составу.