Статья удалена

Этот материал был удалён по просьбе автора.

Хех, т.е. Ubisoft неиронично запилила в Ассасина диалоги уровня студии "Catalina". Осталось только босса качалки добавить.


- Oh shit, I’m sorry!
- Sorry for what? Our daddy told us not to be ashamed of our hidden blades, especially since they are such good size and all
- Yeah, I see that. Daddy gave you good advice!
- It gets bigger when I pull on it
- MMmMmmMmM
- Sometimes I pull it on so hard I rip the bracer
- Well, my daddy told me a few things to like uh, how not to rip the bracer by using someone else’s mouth instead of your own hands.
- Can you show me?
- I’ll be right happy to!


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