И даже на графических ускорителях от NVIDIA и Intel, а также на консолях.
Подробности:https://gpuopen.com/fsr3-announce/https://community.amd.com/t5/gaming/first-look-at-amd-fidelityfx-super-resolution-3/ba-p/626581Из интересного еще:“Native AA” stands for Native Anti-Aliasing and is a new quality mode being introduced in AMD FSR 3. Unlike the other modes, it lets you use AMD FSR 3 without applying any upscaling but still applies the high-quality anti-aliasing and sharpening of FSR for improved image quality over native resolution.
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Из интересного еще:
“Native AA” stands for Native Anti-Aliasing and is a new quality mode being introduced in AMD FSR 3. Unlike the other modes, it lets you use AMD FSR 3 without applying any upscaling but still applies the high-quality anti-aliasing and sharpening of FSR for improved image quality over native resolution.
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