AMD показала первый графический процессор на 7-нм техпроцессе с 32 гигабайтами памяти

Он предназначен для работы с машинным обучением, но в будущем будет использоваться и для игр.

Фото: Влад Савов / The Verge

Интел и АМД как будто мужики во дворе, играющие в домино. Шлёп! Проц на 28 ядер! Шлёп! Видеочип с 32 гигами ОЗУ! Любо дорого смотреть)


А Нвидия квадро на 32гб уже забыли?

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Только вот интеловский чип скорее всего развод.
Intel used a Xeon processor for its "new" desktop demo, likely the 8176 Xeon CPU, then pretended that the CPU was a brand new desktop part. The company also pushed the narrative of a 5GHz overclock on 28 cores, but neglected to note that they were using a chiller to achieve these temperatures. It's an old CPU -- rebranded as a new one, at that -- and it's overclocked with an unnamed chiller that operated below -10 degrees Celsius.
Key points: The CPU is old. It is not some new 28C CPU, as everyone would have you believe. It's a Xeon from the existing lineup of SKY-X -- almost certainly the 8176, specifically. This is NOT A NEW PRODUCT. Secondly, it required a chiller to hit 5.0GHz and sub-zero temperatures, but almost all of the coverage would lead you to believe a stock or very achievable 5GHz speed. Very misleading by all accounts.