Промо Apex Legends для Nintendo Switch в Японии

По слухам, игра станет доступна 2 февраля одновременно со стартом 8 сезона.

Промо Apex Legends для Nintendo Switch в Японии

 По слухам

Они заявили это официально, даже трейлер был


Значит, официально по слухам


Комментарий недоступен


Не совсем официально, информация была только под японским трейлером


В октябре перед стартом 7 сезона они написали в блоге, что версия для Свитча откладывается, но конкретных сроков не было названо.

Earlier this year at EA Play, I announced our plans to bring Apex Legends to new platforms including Steam and the Nintendo Switch. Today I want to provide two quick updates on that, as I know players have been asking about both.


Second, for those who game on the Nintendo Switch,we’re still hard at work on the port, but in order to do justice to the game and make it into the great experience Switch players deserve, our team needs more time. This year has brought on unexpected new challenges, to put it mildly, and we don’t want to rush anything out.

Switch owners can expect to get their hands on Apex Legends next year. And of course, when Apex Legends does launch on Switch, it’ll come with support for cross-platform play, our latest seasonal content, and full feature parity with the other versions of the game.

We can’t wait to get Apex Legends into your hands (or your TV-connected dock) on Switch.

See you soon, and thanks for understanding.