Не на что не намекаю

Ты хоть саму статью-то читал? 

В первом же абзаце

Responding to the newlegislation, Fujimoto Yukari comments that manga and anime are “not always about therepresentation of objects of desire that exist in reality, nor about compelling parties to realizetheir desires in reality.” From a legal standpoint, no identifiable minor is involved in theproduction of lolicon and no physical harm is done. There is no evidence to support the claimthat the existence of lolicon, or engagement with such content, encourages “cognitive distortions”or criminal acts. As Mark McLelland argues, criminalizing such material represents a form of“thought censorship” and a trend towards the “juridification of imagination.” This potentiallymight shut down alternative spaces of imagination and communities negotiating or opposingdominant cultural meanings.

Эта статья как раз опровергает точку зрения что лоликонщик - значит безальтернативно педофил, лол.


А эта не та же самая статья, что в своё время Kilyari Azure переводил?


Дальше первого абзаца ты не читал, да?