Проблемы с работой Far Cry 3
Проблемы с работой Far Cry 3

Прикупил сегодня Far Cry 3 на распродаже в стиме - думал вспомнить юность. Вспомнить получилось не очень: игра работает отвратительно даже на средних настройках, хотя ноут у меня достаточно производительный и тянет того же дерьмака 3 на высоких.
Кто сталкивался с подобной проблемой и как решал?
Конфигурация ноута:

33 показа
4.2K4.2K открытий

I remember playing this on a friend's PC when it came out in 2012 but I never picked it up on Steam until today. 2,99€ is a killer price.

Anyway, I maxed out all settings not really thinking much about it and I was running into some issues with the game slowing down below 60 FPS in some areas. My CPU and GPU usage (Ryzen 5 3600, RTX 2060 Super) were below 50% at all times. The issue persisted even when dialing everything down.

I did some digging and I found a solution (other than just running the game in DX9 mode)

In \Documents\My Games\Far Cry 3\GamerProfile.xml There's a setting called D3D11MultithreadedRendering="0". Go ahead and set that to 1. I'm now able to max it out with no more slowdowns and much higher CPU/GPU usage.

Edit: If you're experiencing instability with this option, restricting the game to 4 physical CPU cores also yields significant performance improvements.

You can also set IronsightToggleMode="0" to 1 if you don't like having to hold rmb to aim down sights.

Hope this post helps someone.

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