Тайрелл и Вэйланд — что их объединяет?

Или даже больше — что объединяет фильм «Чужой» и «Бегущий по Лезвию»?

Тайрелл и Вэйланд — что их объединяет?
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Декард - человек, иначе вся мораль летит к черту. Скотт задним числом прикрутил эту хуету с единорогом, что бы было претенциознее. Иными словами, цитируя господина Ридли во время его иниервью перед блпйдраннером 2049:
Oh, it was always my thesis theory. It was one or two people who were relevant were… I can’t remember if (screenwriter) Hampton (Fancher) agreed with me or not. But I remember someone had said, ‘Well, isn’t it corny?’ I said, ‘Listen, I’ll be the best fucking judge of that. I’m the director, okay?’ So, and that, you learn — you know, by then I’m 44, so I’m no fucking chicken. I’m a very experienced director from commercials and The Duellists and Alien. So, I’m able to, you know, answer that with confidence at the time, and say, ‘You know, back off, it’s what it’s gonna be.’ Harrison (Ford), he was never — I don’t remember, actually. I think Harrison was going, ‘Uh, I don’t know about that.’ I said, ‘But you have to be, because Gaff, who leaves a trail of origami everywhere, will leave you a little piece of origami at the end of the movie to say, ‘I’ve been here, I left her alive, and I can’t resist letting you know what’s in your most private thoughts when you get drunk is a fucking unicorn!’ ‘ Right? So, I love Beavis and Butthead, so what should follow that is ‘Duh.’ So now it will be revealed (in the sequel), one way or the other.'


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