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People involved
George Floyd

George Floyd in 2016
George Perry Floyd (October 14, 1973 – May 25, 2020) was a 46-year-old African-American man[3] who was born in Fayetteville, North Carolina, and raised in Houston, Texas.[29] He attended Yates High School where he played on the basketball and football teams.[29] He was a star tight end for Yates, helping them to the 1992 state championship final game.[30] He played basketball at South Florida Community College but did not finish school. Floyd returned to Houston where he joined the hip-hop group Screwed Up Click.[31] In 2014, Floyd moved to Minnesota.[32] He lived in St. Louis Park and worked in nearby Minneapolis as a restaurant security guard for five years.[33][34] At the time of his death, Floyd had recently lost his job due to Minnesota's stay-at-home order during the COVID-19 pandemic.[35] Floyd was the father of two daughters, aged 6 and 22, who remained in Houston.[36][37]

Police officers
Derek Michael Chauvin, a 44-year-old white man, had been an officer in the Minneapolis Police Department since around 2001.[8] Chauvin had 18 complaints on his official record, two of which ended in discipline from the department, including official letters of reprimand.[38] He had been involved in three police shootings, one of which was fatal.[8][39][40] According to former club owner Maya Santamaria, Floyd and Chauvin both worked as security guards and had overlapping shifts at the Latin nightclub, El Nuevo Rodeo. She said Chauvin had worked there for 17 years, while Floyd had worked at about a dozen events. She said it was not clear if they knew each other but that she did not believe so.[41][42] Santamaria said Chauvin got along well with Latino regulars at the club, but said his tactics toward unruly customers on what she referred to as "African American" nights led her to speak to him.[43]

Английские википедики такие душки.
Значит Джордж Флойд был просто обычным парнем который играл в баскетбол и исполнял хип-хоп (про пять лет за вооруженный грабёж писать не надо, разумеется).
А Шовин был такой такой плохой-плохой, 18 жалоб, два взыскания, 1 выговор.


На удивление (или нет). Часто все эти застреленные и убитые черные-в большинстве своем преступники. О чем говорить, если в некоторые районы крупных городов США тупо опасно днём заходить. И есть просто наркоманские районы, где без стеснения контингент из нариков колется и ловит приход прям на улицах. И часто все эти жесткие меры, которые приняты у полиции США-необходимость, без которой служить там-опасно для здоровья и жизни. 
