5 смертельных недугов [менеджмента]
Транскрипт и пересказ интервью 1984-го года.
Тут нервы царя Крёза не выдержали, он прямо спросил: «А меня, меня ты считаешь счастливым?» Уклончиво и очень вежливо Солон ответил: «Боги не дали нам знать границ нашей жизни, объявлять счастливым человека еще живущего все равно, что провозглашать победителем еще сражающегося воина». И на том уехал.
Печально, что я в шадоубане, но зато кто мне что теперь скажет?! Диалектика в действии.
Учение Деминга мне очень интересно, но слушать его просто невозможно (чисто моя субъективщина). Поэтому буду транскрибировать и переводить.
- Отсутствие постоянства цели - менеджмент не знает, чем именно он занимается, какие у него есть долгосрочные цели и планы.
- Акцент делается на краткосрочную прибыль - главное выпустить продукт на рынок ни смотря ни на что и создать впечатление заинтересованности у потребителя. Безработица - это не объективная реальность, а результат плохого менеджмента.
- Ежегодный рейтинг эффективности или "управление с помощью страха". Это сводит на нет долгосрочное планирование и командную работу. Люди не могут работать вместе.
Это чистая лотерея! Если бы это было признано лотереей и называлось так, то кому-то бы повезло, а кому-то нет. Они, по крайней мере, понимали бы систему, и люди не чувствовали бы себя неполноценными. - Третий пункт вызывает текучку кадров. Менеджмент требует знания компании, он требует наличия интереса в успехе компании. Знание проблем, производства, продаж, сервиса. Знание таких нюансов требует много времени. В Японии вы видите такой стиль менеджмента, когда после окончания университета человек работает на заводе не менее трех лет. Например, этот человек поставлял мясо. Он поставлял мясо в течение 7 лет. Вставал в 3:00 утра, доставлял мясо. Он знает, каково бывает разочарование клиента, когда в отель доставляют не то мясо, в котором он нуждается. Доставлял мясо в отели, магазины, рестораны. Он знает, что такое поломка грузовика. Он знает об этих проблемах. Люди, занимающиеся менеджментом, сегодня ничего не знают о проблемах других людей. Они даже не знают о своих собственных.
- Видимые цифры только для руководства. Давайте взглянем на некоторые неизвестные и непознаваемые цифры. Например эффект счастливого клиента. Какой процент прибыли приносит вам счастливый клиент? Никто не знает. Есть предположения, но никто не знает наверняка. Как насчет негативного эффекта, который оказывает недовольный клиент? Он может быть довольно значительным. Такой клиент делает все возможное, чтобы защитить себя и своих друзей. Где цифры, которые показывают эффект от счастливого клиента? Я не вижу цифр, а они очень важны.
Школа и бизнес сделали свое дело. Они не учат науке трансформации и преобразования. Они учат использовать наглядные цифры. Креативный подход к бухгалтерскому учету. Как максимизировать цену акций компании, не снижая квартальных дивидендов?
DEMING (D): There must take place in the Western World a transformation. American industry is on the decline, has been for 14 to 15 years. It will continue to decline until the style of American management changes. The time fuse is not long so many people are at work on productivity so they say they're not working on productivity at all, they're working on how to measure it. The thermometer here might read 108° Fahrenheit, blistering hot, but the thermometer does not do anything about it - it just tells us the problem. We had the problem without looking. We didn't need the thermometer. But does nothing about it. It's time the people got up in the hind legs and did something about it but management cannot when they know not what to do. They don't know what to do. 98% I suppose don't even know that there's a problem or that there's anything that they can do. It's always for somebody else. Improvement is for somebody else.
NARRATOR (N): The first step is finding out what's wrong with the present system. Dr. Deming has identified five deadly diseases of American management. For the transformation to occur these diseases must be recognized and cured.
D: number one is a lack of constancy of purpose. To stay in business by providing service and product that will have a market in the future. I see it in work that I do with hospitals, motor freight, railways, manufacturing, department stores. People have not decided what it is that they're in business for. They really don't know. Define it in terms of service to produce a product and service that'll have a market of the future or is it just to have jobs, get paid, have jobs, live a little while, maybe get into something else. Lack of constancy of purpose means short-term thinking.
N: deadly disease number one - lack of constancy of purpose.
- No planning for the future.
- Lack of long-term definition and goals.
D: the second deadly disease is emphasis on short-term profit, short-term thinking. Dividends no matter what! Creative accounting, shipping stuff out, no matter what. Make it look good. Devastating to long-term planning with a plan to stay in business through Improvement of quality of product and service. They cannot live together. American management has worshiped the quarterly dividend. They rated the price of the company's stock. Anything to raise the price of the company's stock. Acquisition, creative accounting. There's a better way, the better way to protect investment and that is with plans that will keep the company in business and which will provide more jobs. Unemployment is not inevitable. Unemployment is a sign of bad management, lost to the market.
N: deadly disease number two - emphasis on short-term profits
- Worship of the quarterly dividend
- Sacrificing long-term growth of the company
D: a third deadly disease is the annual system of rating salaried people known also as a "merit system", "annual appraisal of performance", "annual rating of performance", known also under the name "management by objective". Someone in Germany called it "management by fear" which is still better. Pay for merit! Pay for what you get! Reward performance. Sounds great. Can't be done. Unfortunately it cannot be done on short range. After 10 years - perhaps. 20 years - yes. But Americans have somehow become obsessed for many years back and nobody knows where to originated nor why that everybody must be appraised. Now the effect is devastating. People have something to show, something to count. In other words the merit system nourishes short-term performance. It annihilates long-term planning. It annihilates teamwork. People cannot work together. To get promotion you have to get ahead by working with a team you help other people. You may help yourself equally, but you don't get ahead by being equal. You get ahead by being ahead. Produce something more, have more to show, more to count. There, teamwork means work together, hear everybody's ideas, fill in for other people's weaknesses, acknowledge their strength, work together. This is impossible under the merit rating, review of performance. People are afraid. They're in fear, they work in fear. They cannot contribute to the company as I would wish to contribute. This holds at all levels there's something worse than all that when the annual ratings are given out. People are bitter. They cannot understand - are they not rated higher? And there's a good reason not to understand - because I could show you with a little time that it is purely a lottery! Know if it were recognized as a lottery and called that then some people would be lucky and some unlucky. They'd at least understand the system and people would not feel inferior and others wouldn't feel superior
N: deadly disease number three - annual rating of performance
- arbitrary and unjust system
- demoralizing to employees
- nourishes short-term performance
- annihilates teamwork and encourages fear
D: this annual rating encourages mobility of management. Somebody doesn't get the top rating which means a raise - he looks around for another job. Fourth deadly disease is mobility of management. People moving around not having roots in the company, not understanding the company. Just trying to bring in some abilities, learn some more, move along. Management requires knowledge of the company, it requires roots in the company. Knowledge of the problems, of production, of sales, of service. Takes a long time. In Japan you see management; after a man graduated from University, went on to the factory floor for at least three years. The man delivered meat for example - he's now ahead of sales for a meat company in Tokyo. He delivered meat for 7 years. Got up at 3:00 in the morning, delivered meat. He knows the disappointments of a customer, a hotel that got the wrong kind of meat, they couldn't deliver what he needed. Delivered meat to hotels, stores ,restaurants. He knows what it is to have a truck breakdown. He knows those problems. People in management today know nothing about the problems of anybody else. They don't even know their own.
N: deadly disease number four - mobility of management
- no roots in the company
- no knowledge of the company
- no understanding of its problems
D: The fifth deadly disease is the use of visible figures only for management. Visible figures only. With little or no consideration of figures that are unknown or unknowable. Now you may ask me, well, why do you talk about figures that are unknown if it's unknown how do you know that it's important? Well let's have a look at some of the unknown and unknowable figures. Very simple - one of them is the multiplying effect of a happy customer. How much business does a happy customer bring into you? nobody knows. There are conjectures but nobody knows. What about the multiplying effect of an unhappy customer that drives business away. He can be pretty effective. He does his best to protect his friends. Where are the figures on the multiplying effect of a happy customer? Multiplying effect of an unhappy customer? I don't see the figures. They're very important. He that runs a company without them won't have any company. School and business have done their work. They're not teaching transformation. They're teaching the use of visible figures. Creative accounting. How to maximize the price of the company's stock by keeping up that quarterly dividend?
N: deadly disease number five uses of visible figures only.
- no use of figures unknown and unknowable
- encouraged by Business Schools
D: You see, American industry is up against competition with the Japanese that do not have these deadly diseases, they have not the annual rating, they have not mobility of management or mobility of anything else. They do have constancy of purpose; they intend to stay in business. They do a pretty good job of it, you'll have to admit. There's no takeover. There's no leverage buyout. Management and everybody in the company have one aim - quality. And you ask me about this country with a storehouse of unemployed people, some willing to work. A lot of them are willing to work. With skills, knowledge. Willingness to work. And people in management are unable to work through the merit system, annual rating of performance. Not able to deliver what they're capable of delivering. When you think of all the under-use, abuse and misuse of the people of this country, this may be the world's most underdeveloped nation. Number one - read it again. We're number one! for underdevelopment. Our people are not used, mismanaged, misused ,and abused and underused by management that worshiped sacred cows, a style of management that was never right that made good fortune for this country between 1950 and 1968 because the rest of the world so much of it was devastated. You couldn't go wrong no matter what you did. Those days are over and they've been over for a long time about time for American management to wake up!
А что такое менеджмент, а маркетологи, а пиарщики? Мне смешно что ещё кто то пытается из содержать.
Менеджмент - управление ресурсами.
Маркетинг - призыв к действию.
Пиарщики - поддержание контактов с потребл... клиентами.
Содержать их сегодня уже не 100% обязательно, но еще необходимо.
Есть огромное количество приложений для организации (spreadsheets, slack), сбора информации (SteamSpy и Steamlikes, Sensortower, appannie) и контакта с пользователями (Discord и много чего еще), да и капитализм как система дисциплинирует, организует, и объединяет огого!
Но штудировать все равно надо, так как теперь это задача каждого из нас, будь ты хоть офисным соевым дроном или гигачад-фрилансером.
К тому же эпоха старого менеджмента сверху вниз или Mad Men маркетинга и пиара подошла к концу.
Теперь мы сами с усами.
Мы должны научиться управлять своим временем, организовать досуг, рекламировать себя и свои услуги, разбираться в сортах официальной пропаганды и предлагать собственные лозунги.
К тому же, я не первый год читаю литературу по теме, но психология, стимулы, Excel-приблуды, и другие моменты пока что ускользают от меня. Там еще копать и копать.
Недавно узнал про японскую систему сбережения kakebo и это просто смешно.
Моя экселевская таблица в 100500 раз круче. Я уже немного рассказывал о ней в https://dtf.ru/flood/3019516-para-slov-o-sohranenii-vremeni-i-priumnozhenii-deneg, и рассказал бы еще больше, но шадоубан.
Если в двух словах - учи Excel.