Нынешние разработчики из Blizzard похвастались изменениями в рамках борьбы с токсичностью

Всё началось с просьбы одной из активисток поделиться своими успехами. Далее много твитов и текста.

ABK employees: retweet/reply to this with an example of something awesome you've worked on/organized/done to make #ABetterABK
@Gaiazelle I really enjoyed working on the jelly cat, the collaboration for the idea was with friends. It was probably the quickest shortest task I did during Shadowlands, but the best part was seeing the community love it and all the cute fan art. 💚💙
Нынешние разработчики из Blizzard похвастались изменениями в рамках борьбы с токсичностью
Я создала эту чудесную киску
@Gaiazelle I pushed more varied character customization options and kept pushing for it, consistently and loudly.
Ardenweald is damn near 50/50 M/F speakers in the zone and questing. (The trees are NB! They/them plz)
Thiernax and Kadarin, the stag husbands.
Улучшила персонализацию внешности и добилась равного количества мужчин и женщин в Арденвальде. Деревья стали небинарными. А еще поженила оленей-геев.
Ответ на публикацию @Gaiazelle
Some examples - Bubbled up how certain female models were missing talking animations (which is relevant for quest givers).

Pitched that Wrathion get a new model (there were reasons we couldn't before).

Also proud of elevating [Redacted] in 9.2. Sacrifice is not singular. https://twitter.com/Gaiazelle/status/1461457416088813569
добилась того, чтобы женщины нпс получили анимации речи и обновила модель Гневиона,
@Gaiazelle Pushed for greater diversity of characters in Hearthstone and WoW.
Reported harassment where I saw it.
Mentored interns and aspiring game devs.
Participated in community outreach programs like GRIP.
Pushed for diverse applicants to apply for our open positions.
Добилась большего разнообразия среди персонажей в HS и WOW.
Ответ на публикацию @Gaiazelle
In game?

Had the Greymane family talk to each other for the first time on screen.

Heirmir. And generic female characters in Maldraxxus across the board (we almost didn't get any besides Draka).

Convinced leadership to get Lor'themar a new model. https://twitter.com/Gaiazelle/status/1461457416088813569
Сделала так, чтобы Седогривы ( члены семейства) начали общаться. На очереди женские персонажи из Малдраксуса. Обновила модель Лортемара.
Ответ на публикацию @Gaiazelle
I pitched moving gender changing into the in-game barbershop and dropping the paid service. Our magic barbers can already rearrange your face, why couldn’t they rearrange the rest of you too? 🏳‍⚧ https://twitter.com/Gaiazelle/status/1461457416088813569
Сделал возможной смену пола в парикмахерской.
Ответ на публикацию @Gaiazelle
I helped highlight issues with screen readers and GM Surveys, worked with a great core of folks to revamp our Code of Conduct (adding new categories like Gender Identity to protections), and have championed player issues from social media for remediation. https://twitter.com/Gaiazelle/status/1461457416088813569
Работал над обновлением Кодекса Поведения, в т.ч. добавил гендерную идентичность
@Gaiazelle Brought Tess into the Hall of Shadows, were it to exist. Wrote Pelagos’ coming out lines, working with our LGBT+ group to ensure it was genuine.

Work hard to find and hire diverse voices, grow my team, and empower them to feel safe to speak up and be the leaders I know they are.
В сотрудничестве с ЛГБТ-группой написал реплики для Пелагоса ( вероятно, небинарный персонаж)
@Gaiazelle I volunteered to help with early events as the Women's Network was getting started, and helped found the LGBT+ Advisory Council, both these ERGs being things created to push back against harassment and discrimination present in the games industry and ABK.
Помогла в организации нескольких мероприятий в поддержку женщин и ЛГБТ
@Gaiazelle -Volunteered ~18 months on the LGBT+ Advisory Board as a Communications Officer. Created a style guide on how to write about and interview with LGBT+ with the guidance of my fellow LGBT+ peers & other needs
-Launched 4 games during the pandemic and multiple patches for WoW and OW
Создала руководство по собеседованию с представителями LGBT
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Дак это близы. Откуда ж там играм взяться?


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Сделал возможной смену пола в ПАРИКМАХЕРСКОЙ.это важнее


Ну все при деле же! Вон сколько полезного для игры делают!


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