Разработчики королевской битвы на тысячу человек Mavericks: Proving Grounds объявили о закрытии проекта

Соответствующее сообщение появилось на официальном сайте команды Automaton Games.

5.1K5.1K открытий

Официальных ответов пока нет... в Дискорде один из "STAFF" написал:

Until any kind of formal press release / announcement is posted up by whoever is handling all of it, we the former staff have no idea how to answer any questions, that goes for people asking for refunds etc... We are dipping in now on our own accord and saying what we can because its extremely frustrating for all of us :frowning: so please just keep an eye on the channels and hopefully something gets posted soon that will answer questions, but I honestly have no idea beyond that.

As the statement on the bottom of the Automaton website says, the administrators are in the process of licensing the Deceit game so the service stays up, as for patches or future content of that game I have no clue and nothing was discussed. As for MVX is indeed dead along with Automaton, this was dropped on us yesterday morning.

Again those asking where the official announcement or for refunds none of us have any idea of that and we're hoping some form of press release or announcement comes and answer all these questions for you. But for now its extremely frustrating for everyone involved.
