DTF раздаёт 30 ключей в бету Mortal Kombat 11 на PS4

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DTF раздаёт 30 ключей в бету Mortal Kombat 11 на PS4
22 показа
17K17K открытий

My goodness. What a tragedy in the making.

Violence creates nothing. It only opens empty chasms between men.
To you, I offer this song. A gentle, sad song, to encourage you to overcome that which divides our hearts and joins hands as one...

*начинаю перебирать струны своей арфы, рождая прекрасную мелодию*

The sun shines, A rainbow bridge...
I cross it to reach you...
And yet as I search...
It fades... Into the sky...
Dancing with loneliness on the wind...
If this wish is doomed to fade... Without ever coming true...
Then may it leave at least a scar...
My first promise, a promise I cannot keep...
I keep your breath encased in amber...
Sealing within this eternal dream...

*делаю характерный жест, смахивая по чёлке рукой*

Ahh, it seems you was all touched by my song.
Remember! There is but one truth:

Love is eternal.
