DOOM Eternal OST (Remastered Version)

Пользовательский ремастер оста Doom Eternal. Композиции размещены в сюжетной последовательности с переработанным сведением.


Фрагмент ответа автора на вопрос о внесённых изменениях:

Basically, there were two things that bothered me about the official release: mixing and ordering.

The 2016 soundtrack told the story of the game in musical form. It was divided into chapters which began with an excerpt from the Slayer's Testament and the tracks were laid out in chronological order (with a few liberties). Eternal's soundtrack on the other hand, is ordered seemingly randomly. <...> Having the songs just end with a fade out (like many of those mixed by Mossholder do!) is kinda lame, especially when some tracks are thematically connected (a good example is "A Slayer City" and "Meathook" - "A Slayer City" being essentially a prelude to "Meathook"). So I edited nearly all the tracks to make them link to each other as seamlessly as I was able to.

This brings me to the second point and that's mixing which is, to say it mildly, not perfect in the official release. The biggest offender imo is "Super Gore Nest", or to be more precise, "Slayer Gore". This track contains the music which plays in game in level Super Gore Nest as a build up to the "shredding" music which we know as the "Super Gore Nest" track. In the official OST, this track is incredibly long, it's 4 minutes of buildup with no payoff. For my version, I trimmed it down, added a drop and seamlessly continued into "Super Gore Nest" proper. <...>

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