Chris: [interrupts] She's fucking crazy. If you haven't noticed, she's a fucking pothead. She calls it cannabis 'cause it makes her feel like less of a fucking pothead.
Davis: You say fuck a lot.
Chris: So?
Davis: So you're just not using it properly.
Chris: The fuck does that mean?
Davis: That's what I mean. Fuck is a great word, but if you use it too much then it just loses its value and you sound stupid.
Chris: Fuck you.
Davis: Exactly. I feel nothing and you sound like an idiot. Have a good one.
Ахуительный фильм, в щи разъебывает каждый раз как в первый
Обожаю этот диалог:
Davis: You must be Chris.
Chris: You fucking my mom?
Davis: No, I'm not. We were just sleeping...
Chris: [interrupts] She's fucking crazy. If you haven't noticed, she's a fucking pothead. She calls it cannabis 'cause it makes her feel like less of a fucking pothead.
Davis: You say fuck a lot.
Chris: So?
Davis: So you're just not using it properly.
Chris: The fuck does that mean?
Davis: That's what I mean. Fuck is a great word, but if you use it too much then it just loses its value and you sound stupid.
Chris: Fuck you.
Davis: Exactly. I feel nothing and you sound like an idiot. Have a good one.
[Davis leaves]
Chris: Who the f...
[thinks about it]
Оригинальный трек в этой сцене — топ.
че за фильм ?