
Golden Cats - Night Walks / ссылка на стриминги

Barefoot, night walks in the mid of spring
Green grass got my fingers tingling
Eyes shut but the stars make me think of you

I wanna color the smithereens
Heartbeat's obsessed, got me lingering
Your life has gotten me to feel so full

I thought that love was cruel
But then there was you
Then there was you




Late night, outdoors, Coca Cola, light's off
Dream big, best friends, hope this moment never ends
Suntanned, gold skies, where am I gonna sleep tonight?
Pizza box on the floor, you and I, nothing more

Barefoot, night walks like a fever dream
Green grass, got my fingers tingling
Eyes shut but the stars make me think of you

I'm gonna color the smithereens
Heart beats the same, synchronicities
Your life has gotten me to feel so full

I thought that love was cruel
But then there was you

Late night, outdoors, Coca Cola, light's off
Dream big, best friends, hope this moment never ends
Suntanned, gold skies, where am I gonna sleep tonight?
Pizza box on the floor, you and I, nothing more

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