In New Year, save and love your Gravity and Shitpost,DTF...

In New Year, save and love your Gravity and Shitpost,DTF...

We are planets and we´re choosing another planet to share our Gravity
Like a magnet we´re attracted to another person´s physicality.
We need to spin just to win another planet to explore new galaxies.
But it is difficult if you haven´t reached a certain amount of autonomy.
We´re planets
We are planets and our gravity pulls in whatever fullfills our destiny.
It is a natural fact and if you ask me it happens unconciously.
But when we´re settled in an orbit we´re doubting and counting the days ´till our liberty - yeah if we´re all on our own we sense the danger loosing velocity.
We´re planets
Yeah we are planets and we´re hooked up on whatever feels relevant.
We need to elevate humanity and feel our personal agility.
I´d like to dive into emotional oceans as yours seem to me.
Oh, your handshape and its landscapes make me want to explore your Gravity- we need to dance with each other ´cause we need to test the cosmic chaos theory.
We´re plantes
Can we be near and jet still be free?
Can we believe in each other´s gravity? Can we be near without any fear? YOUR GRAVITY IS PULLING ME NEAR

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