
Alex Ivy - The Record

I don't know how I'm up for the fight

Because I know you knock it straight out of me

But when the light, it calms down

I play The Record

Yeah when the light, it calms down

I play The Record

And it's not your style to run and hide

I watch you hold your hands up

And work your feet

And the lightening comes down

To the Record

And the lightening comes down

To the Record

I shouldn't be up this late

I run across it with my fingers

Drop the needle to the groove

Stand my ground

Wind you up for the ballet

Pound the kit in the air like a damn fool

Hold your hand

Step back

Scream '2, 3,4' as you spin

Round and round

And I know you're not by my side

So I fill my glass up and drink it neat

And stumble to The Record

Scan my room for the sleeve

But it picks up in the second verse

And you are there

Peering through hazel strands

With your old sandpaper stare

It moves me like a child

It moves me like I'm Prince

And its 1999

Honey set the sky on fire

I shouldn't be up this late

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Едем на караоке клавусика, да)


да не, просто чиллим


приветствую неспящих


Не могу послушать
Но зна, что лучший


Стабильно качественный музпостинг


У меня похожий пират)
