Атака Титанов | Stable Diffusion | Ai | SDXL⁠⁠

Атака Титанов | Stable Diffusion | Ai | SDXL⁠⁠

Еще больше работ можно найти в моем телеграмм канале,там я публикую каждый день свои работы https://t.me/neiroseaОставляй комментарий как тебе мои работы


battle of the titans, from the anime attack on titan, Eren Yeager in the form of a titan, against a titan,
((best quality)), ((masterpiece)), detailed soft oil painting, detailed background, dramatic cinematic lighting, soft edge lighting, professional, dramatic lighting, hard edge lighting,
ultra quality, 4k,(masteriece, best quality, 8k, ultra highres, highres:1.4), extremely detailed
Negative prompt: plastic. 3d. paint, (hand:1.5), (wet crotch:1.5), cartoon, anime, sketches, (worst quality:2), duplicate, (low quality:2), (normal quality:2), lowres, normal quality, ((monochrome)), ((grayscale)), over saturated
Steps: 30, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 4000958512, Size: 1024x768, Model hash: d248c4c7c2, Model: NewDreamSDXLV8, VAE hash: 15e96204c9, VAE: sdxl_vae.safetensors, Version: v1.4.0-310-g68f336bd

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