Аарон Пол сыграет во втором сезоне сериала Fallout
Аарон Пол сыграет во втором сезоне сериала Fallout
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Ну это же неправда. Вот, что он сказал:

With celebrities who are fans of Fallout, have you heard from anyone since the show came out who's like, "Hey, I love Fallout. Why wasn't I in the show? Can I be in Season 2?"

Nolan: Aaron Paul. Yeah, Aaron Paul was at the premiere, a human being I love so much. And he was very polite. He was very enthusiastic about the show. There was sort of an unspoken kind of like, "What's up, man?" But we've been hearing from so many people, and it's kind of fun to see the Fallout fans come out of the woodwork. People you've known a long time and you realize, "Oh, you've been playing this whole time." So it's been a lot of fun.


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