Нашёл интервью с ведущим аниматором Bethesda, мужик наваливает базы
— Насколько хорош этот движок по сравнению с другими игровыми движками, такими как UnrealEngine, с точки зрения графики?— Unreal — движок 20 века. Наши технологии созданы для НОВОГО ТЫСЯЧЕЛЕТИЯ.
Вообще интервью времён Morrowind довольно забавные, особенно внутренние. Мне правда лень переводить.
([VE]Eidolon) (Marvel[Remedy]) Is it just me, but Morrowind seems technologically-wise much more advanced from the other Elder Scroll -serie games. What made you go for the push? (got enough feed-back about the gfx :)
(KenRolston) Todd is a graphics whore.
(Pete) Todd is a big graphics whore.
* GT_WormGod is neglected
(KenRolston) Todd inspires us all to make pretty pictures. Me, I'm from print media, and just want perfect, elegant design.
(KenRolston) Todd wants never to have to say he's sorry he's making a CRPG, because it has nasty art.
(GT_WormGod) Todd, you type slow
(todd[Bethesda]) I like pretty pictures. When someone pitches a game to me my first question is "Does it look awesome?". Anyway, since we were rewriting the whole thing from the ground up, we'd like to push the graphics as far as we can. And our art staff rules.
(KenRolston) I LIKED Might and Magic, grafix challenged though it was.
(qK) (Mesmerist) Will there be multiplayer in Morrowind?
(KenRolston) Nope.
(todd[Bethesda]) Sure.
(todd[Bethesda]) Oops. I mean no.
(KenRolston) You LIAR!
(Chris) Any plans for multiplayer as an add-on? :)
(todd[Bethesda]) Sure.
(todd[Bethesda]) Oops I mean no.
(KenRolston) Oh, what a liar he is.
(qK) (Mesmerist) Any idea as to the minimum system requirements yet?
(todd[Bethesda]) yes
(todd[Bethesda]) next question
(GT_WormGod) ouch!
(GT_WormGod) i will hit Todd for everyone
(KenRolston) Who wants to kill Todd? Hands up?
* [VE]Eidolon raises hand
* GT_WormGod raises both hands
Chris) Will there be any nudity in Morrowind? :)
(GT_WormGod) oh man!
(KenRolston) All the trees in Morrowind will be nude.
(Maverique) *yawn....
(KenRolston) So will some of the poorer rocks.
(Pete) there will be lots of nudity once the gamers get their hands on the editor, but none before then.
(KenRolston) We will have all-text, all ASCII nudity in Morrowind.
(martiank9) I'm currently working on implementing the text mode. Nudity is a high priority there.
(GT_WormGod) nudity is not a good word here anymore... they even made me start wearing clothes to work
(Maverique) thank God
(KenRolston) It's "clothing optional day," GT.
(GT_WormGod) "isnt that cute"
(Maverique) ;)