ALOV для LE мастхев

Недавно начал переходить серию масс эффект и решил накатать мод ALOV, который повышает качество роликов в игре. Просто визуальный кайфа. Жаль скриншоты не покажут это

ALOV для LE мастхев
ALOV для LE мастхев
ALOV для LE мастхев
ALOV для LE мастхев
ALOV для LE мастхев
ALOV для LE мастхев
ALOV для LE мастхев
ALOV для LE мастхев
765765 показов
6262 открытия
2 комментария

И как именно он их повышает?


tl;dr Апскейл видео тупое
That's where ALOV comes in. Our project uses a far more aggressive and carefully considered upscaling approach. Every single shot of every single video has been analyzed and upscaled with individual settings that produce the best possible result. This meant that on a shot-by-shot basis, the videos were downscaled to their 'true' resolution. upscaled with the best suited AI model, sharpened with manually calibrated AI settings, interpolated to 60fps (in most cases) and then encoded at a much higher bitrate than vanilla. In a few cases, we were able to recreate a video completely from scratch by recreating the scene in-game and recording natively at 4K 60fps. Additionally, several visual bugs such as mesh clipping, rogue UI elements, glitches etc have been corrected. Воть
