Two news

By the way, remember this guy in the photo? Once he was on my avatar.

Two news


It’s been a little over a year since I wrote the first blog post. Time passed just incredibly fast. I started with about 7-10 people, now there are more than 300 of you. Although, recently, people are leaving.

Where are you guys going?

However, here is my first post. Insecure and awkward:

Over the course of a year, I have made a bunch of GIFs, organized contests, made selections and wrote articles large and small. I can’t even believe that a whole year has passed. Thank you all for your activity, funny jokes and cool moments.

Throw off your first blog post in the comments. Let’s see what was interesting there)

News number two

Two news

Phil Spencer and I have a birthday on the same day. I don’t even know what to do about it.

The English language will end on November 9th. Be patient a little.

161161 открытие
27 комментариев

У меня он был экшен-фигуркой
Любимая игрушка детства
Интересно, куда я его потерял


Sounds cool! I would be happy to have such a toy as a child.


Комментарий недоступен


It’s your first post in blog?
Yeah, I know you love me ❤️


Днюха в один день? Ну все, тебе пора заняться с Филом СеХом.


But I just wanted to exchange gifts...


Why is your first post in some strange language?
