Дратути!1 С вами снова лоботомит Филипп и его импульсивный поток сознания(ИПС). Жена легла баиньки в спальню, я лежу в зале где и усну сегодня, включена консоль PS5 для последней каточки в Арех перед сном, но сил уже мало даже набирать этот текст с телефона про серию ТИЖ - топ игр жизни. Место в этом топе занимает сразу целый жанр - RTS. Не смо…


Dratuti!1 Philip and his impulsive stream of consciousness (IPS) are lobotomizing you again. My wife went to bed in the bedroom, I’m lying in the living room where I’ll fall asleep today, the PS5 console is turned on for the last game in Arkh before bed, but I don’t have enough strength to even type this text from my phone about the TIZH series - the top games of life. A place in this top is occupied by an entire genre - RTS. I can’t single out a pedestal for any one game, because the confrontation between some candidates is like the fight between Morrowind and Gothic 2 in the hearts of children who have already become skufs. Just think, about 25 years have passed since my acquaintance with strategies. The first was Dune, a gift from Sega's older cousin. I was about 9-10 years old, between the 3rd and 5th grades of school. I don’t remember where I got the cartridge from. Maybe my brother gave it to me, maybe my friends gave it to me, maybe I bought it myself at the market... I can immediately remember sandworms, how I came up with some tactics to bypass them, how I figured out to give commands not to one unit, but to group them, but it was still there slowly. I remember how my classmate and I drew maps in notebooks and came up with some plots for Dune. I played it constantly until my first trips to computer clubs, where I saw Age of Empires2. It wasn't really possible to play it there. One day I came to visit a classmate, he already had a PC, he turned on the Epoch training mission for me, which I did not complete because of my friend’s grandmother... This interfered with the lessons, in my opinion. Somewhere between the 6th and 7th grades of school, I got my first computer. Of course, I put on Age of Empires 2. Finally, without gopniks and grandmothers, I completed the training mission. That time when I could smell the game world. There are also such associations-memories, when I came home from school, Fort Boyard was shown on TV (unforgettable OST: tuuu-tuu-tuu-tututu), I turned on the Epoch and went through the campaign for the French. He probably fell in love with urban planning there, so that everything would be beautiful - residential areas for peasants, a castle with knights and guards. I became very interested in fishing boats, because I was the one throwing nets and then delivering seafood to the residents of my makeshift city.

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пиздец ты Шерлок Холмс, браво чо)
