Из Steam в РФ пропали некоторые игры Microsoft, Rockstar, EA и Activision — их нельзя установить и запустить
Этот блок временно не поддерживается
Из Steam в РФ пропали некоторые игры Microsoft, Rockstar, EA и Activision — их нельзя установить и запустить

Из того что у меня есть, не доступна только Gears 5. Пока что я накатал жалобу в суппорт Стима следующего содержания:

"Due to recent Microsoft's decision to suspend sales of its products in Russia, I can no longer download or play this game.
This is absolutely illegal, as I was deprived of the right to use the product I had already purchased. I did not violate any Microsoft or Steam Terms of Use. Plainly speaking, I was robbed of the game for which I paid. This behavior is unacceptable.
I also draw your attention to the fact that the law (and even more so sanctions or the decision of a commercial organization in general) cannot apply to relations that arose and ended before the moment when the circumstance that led to this law, sanctions or decision arose. Roughly speaking, the universal legal principle "the law is not retroactive" applies here.
In this regard, I ask you to deal with the situation and restore access to the game I bought as soon as possible."

Предлагаю и остальным отправить аналогичные жалобы.