Геймдиректор Dishonored Харви Смит работает над неанонсированной игрой в Arkane Austin

Ей занимаются параллельно с Deathloop от студии в Лионе.

Геймдиректор Dishonored Харви Смит работает над неанонсированной игрой в Arkane Austin

На данный момент он трудится с командой, которая делала Prey Дайте второй


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Утечка/слух полугодичной давности на этот счёт.
I have some information about the next Arkane Austin game (can't tell how so believe if you want I guess)The game is ironically inspired by the Prey 2 concept from years ago. But it is not a sequel to their Prey from 2017 but an original IP.The game is an immersive sim set in an open world futuristic city with a Coruscant vibe. It features the classic intricate level design of Arkane, just on a bigger scale than ever.You'll have different targets (they are set and have a story to them, it's not random characters) to take down (kill or neutralize like in Dishonored), you can approach them in the order you want and the way you want (much more than in Dishonored)Filling up those contracts (and stealing stuff) grants you money than can be used to acquire new skills (by training or acquire gadgets). There are skills in tech/hacking or in "space magic" and you can mix and match like in Prey.Pre-prod started before Prey 2017 release but the real big production started after Prey Mooncrash. They work in collaboration with people at Roundhouse Studios which are coming from the old Human Head Studios that worked on the original Prey sequel. Target release date is 2022, only on next gen and PC.


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