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Еще клевая маленькая теория с реддита:

The first true fully fledged cross-play game. The "main" portion of the game is on PS4, while Xbox/PC/Switch or anyone who didn't buy it on PS4 get a free "P.T." version of the game where they assist the PS4 players in their endeavors. But is only a portion of the game and not part of the main story, but more like a different perspective. For instance what if they could be the baby?

Those with the game could also choose to play the "helper" part of the game. I would think allowing other players to be adversaries probably wouldn't work very well. Also of course would have to allow players to play the game off line, or just by themselves if they choose.

Players from other platforms get to experience a slice of the game, and in return it's free advertising for PS4 and KojiPro.


Очень интересная теория) Спасибо)
