We wanted to acknowledge and own the inclusion of offensive material within our recent Spelljammer: Adventures in Space content. We failed you, our players and our fans, and we are truly sorry.
The campaign includes a people called Hadozee which first appeared in 1982. Regrettably, not all portions of the content relating to the Hadozee were properly vetted before appearing in our most recent release. As we continue to learn and grow through every situation, we recognize that to live our values, we have to do better.
Throughout the 50-year history of Dungeons & Dragons, some of the characters in the game have been monstrous and evil, using descriptions that are painfully reminiscent of how real-world groups have been and continue to be denigrated. We understand the urgency of changing how we work to better ensure a more inclusive game.
Effective immediately, we will remove the offensive content about Hadozee in our digital versions – and these will no longer be included in future reprints of the book. Our priority is to make things right when we make mistakes. In addition, we’ve initiated a thorough internal review of the situation and will take the necessary actions as a result of that review.
We are eternally grateful for the ongoing dialog with the D&D community, and we look forward to introducing new, engaging and inclusive content to D&D for generations to come. D&D teaches that diversity is strength, for only a diverse group of adventurers can overcome the many challenges a D&D story presents. In that spirit, we are committed to making D&D as welcome and inclusive as possible. This part of our work will never end.
ОТменяем обезьян полностью... И да, почему SJW пытается претворить в жизнь советские анекдоты?
Жуков выходит из кабинета Сталина и говорит: "ууу, тварь усатая!"
Берия подслушал и доложил Сталину.
Сталин вызывает Жукова и Берию к себе и спрашивает: Товарищ Жуков, вы когда сказали "тварь усатая", кого вы имели ввиду?
- Как кого, товарищ Сталин? Конечно, Гитлера.
Сталин: "Правильно, товарищ Жуков. А вы товарищ Берия кого имели ввиду?"
Комментарий недоступен
Классика так сказать
Комментарий недоступен
Люди не произошли от обезьян, у обезьян и людей есть общий предок.
А так-то мы из отряда приматов, семейство гоминиды, подсемейство гоминины, к гомининам также относятся гориллы и шимпанзе.
Людей создал Бог.
Люди всё ещё являются обезьянами, это не противоречащие друг-другу вещи.