Оружие, покорившее Пандору: чем примечательны пушки в серии Borderlands

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Оружие, покорившее Пандору: чем примечательны пушки в серии Borderlands
77 показов
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11 репост

В первой Borderlands пушки с большими магазинами поставляла компания S&S. Про неё известно совсем мало — трудно найти даже минимальные детали происхождения концерна.

Камон, по первой же ссылке в гугле:
The brothers who first founded S&S Munitions did so with the goal to not just make a weapon, but to change an industry. As avid outdoorsmen with time in the military, they knew the power of your weapon only mattered when it was loaded. Tired of seeing their clips run dry at the most inopportune times, they set out to develop the highest capacity guns on the market. S&S Munitions is now the standard-bearer for large capacity, easy-to-change magazines. Today, our commitment to functional technological advancements doesn't end there. S&S Munitions also makes some of the most powerful tech weapons on the market. If power and capacity are your concerns, then say yes to S&S.
— S&S Munitions sales pitch, Official Borderlands Guide

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