На PS VITA открыли сбор средств на неофициальные порты Android версии Dead Space, Star Wars: KOTOR и Wizardry 8

В рамках баунти программы, которую создал Rinnegatamante.

Dead Space

A new bounty for a PSVITA port of the Android version of Dead Space has been posted! Go check it out there if you want to work on it or you want to contribute to it: https://github.com/vita-nuova/bounties/issues/32

Star Wars: KOTOR

A new bounty for a port of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic for PSVITA had been opened! Check it out here: https://github.com/vita-nuova/bounties/issues/27

Wizardry 8

A new bounty for a Wizardry 8 PSVITA port with hw accelerated renderer has been opened! Check it out here: https://github.com/vita-nuova/bounties/issues/25
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