Baseline test (GOT Edition)

Baseline test (GOT Edition)

D&D - прозвище шоураннеров "Игры престолов". Поскольку они оба Дэвида, а также с негативной коннотацией Dumb & Dumber.

GRRM - тут должно быть вполне очевидно что это Анджей Сапковский.

GRRM: Prototype D&D-zero-dash-eight-dot-six, let's begin. Ready?

D&D: Yes, sir.

GRRM: Recite your baseline.

D&D: "And fire-ice nothingness began to spin... A system of character arcs interlinked within arcs interlinked within arcs interlinked within one plot... And dreadfully distinct against the dark, a tall white army played."

GRRM: Arcs.

D&D: Arcs.

GRRM: Have you ever been in an institution? Arcs.

D&D: Arcs.

GRRM: Do they keep you in a cell? Arcs.

D&D: Arcs.

GRRM: When you're not performing your duties do they keep you in a little box? Arcs.

D&D: Arcs.

GRRM: Interlinked.

D&D: Interlinked.

GRRM: What's it like to hold a million dollar you love? Interlinked.

D&D: Interlinked.

GRRM: Did they teach you how to rewrite a book into a screenplay? Interlinked.

D&D: Interlinked.

GRRM: Do you long for having your characters interlinked? Interlinked.

D&D: Interlinked.

GRRM: Do you dream about being interlinked... ?

D&D: Interlinked.

GRRM: What's it like to hold your script in your arms? Interlinked.

D&D: Interlinked.

GRRM: Do you feel that there's a part of show that's missing? Interlinked.

D&D: Interlinked.

GRRM: Within arcs interlinked.

D&D: Within arcs interlinked.

GRRM: Why don't you say that three times: Within arcs interlinked.

D&D: Within arcs interlinked. Within arcs interlinked. Within arcs interlinked.

GRRM: We're done. "Constant D&D"... sorry, we kinda forgot about your bonus.

D&D: Thank you, sir.

Baseline test (GOT Edition)

8-й сезон - это фэйковые воспоминания. Настоящий будет ближе к обеду.

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