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Нет это конечно интересно.
Из комментов к видео (перевод на Англ)
Our goal is that the graphic quality like this demo, we want to make it run 60FPS at next-gen consoles. But now we do not reach the goal. Now it is 30FPS. Our target is 60FPS, that is also why we can not release it now. And I can ensure that we can run this demo in our notebook, in editor , not cooked, it even can 40FPS. ( After someone in BBS confirm that the device is RTX2080 and 970EVO )
SSD speed like PS5 is helpful, especially those huge scene streaming. Nanite and Virtual Texture is depend on I/O. Do we need such fast SSD so that we can run that demo? In fact if we analyze that, for example 2K. Our finally goal is that each pixel with one triangle. I assume with two triangle. In fact there are not such many triangles. It means it is MB/S level. It doesn't need such fast SSD like PS5 to run the demo.

Похлопает ли за такое их Тим Суини)


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