Лавкрафт и расизм: туда и обратно

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Лавкрафт и расизм: туда и обратно
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Перед тем как тут в комментах мужичье начнет глашать про сжв-обиженок, портящих все, почитайте это его мнение про славян и людей не из западной европы:
“I agree with all you say about foreign immigration. ‘The melting pot’ – bah! As if we could assimilate all the low-lived scum of southern Europe without tainting the old American stock. And that stuff they pull about ‘everybody being a foreigner except the Indians,’ makes me fighting mad.”
“Once it was the highest honor to say: ‘I am an American.’ It still is, because of the great history that lies behind the phrase; but now any Jew, Polack or Wop, spawned in some teeming ghetto and ignorant of or cynical toward American ideals, can strut and swagger and blatantly assert his Americanship and accepted on the same status as a man whose people have been in the New World for three hundred years.”
“I at least come of a breed that helped build up the country, which is more than can be said today by any number of Hebraic-Slavic-Latins running around and calling themselves ‘Americans’.”


Ужас какой. Лавик ненавидел не только всех, но еще и русских.


У него жена иммигрантка


Комментарий недоступен
