1 июня 2022-го начался мой забег по "всем играм вселенной Star Wars". Тогда, два года назад, я и представить не мог, что он затянется так долго и что я буду проходить не только официальные релизы, но также возьмусь за обзоры фанатских проектов на флэше и для ретро-платформ. Ниже небольшая статистика.
Well, congratulations, and thank you for mentionning Porkbelly and me. That's certainly a unique project.
A lot of congrats to Sightsaber, first for instigating your retro-dive, but also because, by experience with my own project, "playing" the games is the easy part. Finding them and making them work? Harder...
... of course, the hardest might be the "written things about it without being boring" part, and that's on you too.
Thank you very much for your congratulations and for the help that you and Porkbelly gave us!
Yeah, sometimes you sit there and don’t know how to approach a new old game. But when you have someone to consult with, everything doesn’t seem so scary!