It's all about the CARS!

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It's all about the CARS!
It's all about the CARS!
It's all about the CARS!
It's all about the CARS!
It's all about the CARS!
It's all about the CARS!
It's all about the CARS!
It's all about the CARS!
It's all about the CARS!
It's all about the CARS!
It's all about the CARS!
It's all about the CARS!
7 комментариев

Эт выглядит забавно


В этом то и суть))


Комментарий недоступен


С мотоциклами очень круто


"The" лишнее


It was used to point out that cars are in some way exceptional and highly relevant ;)

Но ошибка там действительно есть. Нужно было сказать "the CAR" но тогда теряю отсылку на предыдущий пост Доктора..