Worst of all, the anime fanbase is made up of queers, gays, and basement-dwelling neckbeards who literally worship anime. As such, they become deluded into thinking that normal people aren’t appalled by their disgusting choice of entertainment, which leads them post anime everywhere: They spam anime memes, they construct poorly written sentences in weeb-talk, and, as most often happens with people who watch anime, they seemingly always choose to use autistic anime girl avatars online, which is absolutely disgusting. I believe that anime fans choose anime avatars just for the sake of spreading the contagion of anime wherever they post online, but besides that, it’s also somewhat disturbing that neckbeards choose to have autistic anime avatars, given the fact there is a strong link between role models and self-image, which manifests itself in a person’s moral character, beliefs, and actions. As such, what a person portrays himself to be with a profile picture is most often how the person idealistically views himself on the inside. Self-image and idiosyncratic ideals are the most important building blocks of a human being, yet, as is easily observable; nearly all anime fans have autistic female anime characters as their avatars online. This should be of concern due to the strong links between anime and gender dysphoria, given the fact that boys who plunge into the world of anime often become extremely feminine and frequently even choose to become gay. Most homosexuals and trans persons choose to have anime avatars online, which only serves as proof that anime makes people gay. The vast majority of the anime fanbase identifies with terms such as ‘intersex’ and other made up words for being gay; and the fact that a faggot who watches anime would glorify autistic anime characters enough to even have a one as his profile picture online is a twisted perversion of basic moral values. As Westerners, whose values are based on morality, we should be appalled by all of the cringey degenerates who spread the contagion of anime to furthest reaches of the internet through there mere choice of avatars.
Straight facts and logic.
Pishi po iaponski chtob naverniaka
Chto skazat to hotel?
You arw the kind of the person that get us labbed nazis and right wing facists.