Ban anime and end degenerate culture

Countrymen, in light of modern times, we must resolve that all anime should be purged from society so as to cleanse our supreme western culture, and as proud American nationalists, and furthermore, as patriots who love our nation, it is our job to eliminate degenerative filth created by inferior cultures so as to prevent it from corrupting the minds of our pure American youth.

It is impossible to deny that anime is anything more than the most abhorrently disgusting filth ever created. Anime is a tool of the Cultural Marxists in their evil attempt to undermine our national culture. Just look at how anime so grossly warps the minds of those who consume it.

Here is a well-known fact, fellow patriots: Anime turns anyone who watches it into a queer faggot with no social skills. You will simply never find a rational human being with any pride or dignity who likes anime, and the fact that anime causes gender dysphoria has actually been very thoroughly documented. Not only that, but it has also been proven that cartoons actually make people lose up to 10 IQ points: And I find that very easy to believe considering how stupid anime-fans are. After all, is it even of any surprise to us, given the fact that anime is nothing more than an entirely idiotic stream of poorly done animation with no reasoning, and only immature nonsense? The characters in anime act literally autistic, which is most likely developmentally disabled people like anime so much. Autistic people absolutely love anime, because of the morbidly grotesque way that anime looks, the bizarre colors it uses, and the fact that nothing in it is rational or reasonable.

Worst of all, the anime fanbase is made up of queers, gays, and basement-dwelling neckbeards who literally worship anime. As such, they become deluded into thinking that normal people aren’t appalled by their disgusting choice of entertainment, which leads them post anime everywhere: They spam anime memes, they construct poorly written sentences in weeb-talk, and, as most often happens with people who watch anime, they seemingly always choose to use autistic anime girl avatars online, which is absolutely disgusting. I believe that anime fans choose anime avatars just for the sake of spreading the contagion of anime wherever they post online, but besides that, it’s also somewhat disturbing that neckbeards choose to have autistic anime avatars, given the fact there is a strong link between role models and self-image, which manifests itself in a person’s moral character, beliefs, and actions. As such, what a person portrays himself to be with a profile picture is most often how the person idealistically views himself on the inside. Self-image and idiosyncratic ideals are the most important building blocks of a human being, yet, as is easily observable; nearly all anime fans have autistic female anime characters as their avatars online. This should be of concern due to the strong links between anime and gender dysphoria, given the fact that boys who plunge into the world of anime often become extremely feminine and frequently even choose to become gay. Most homosexuals and trans persons choose to have anime avatars online, which only serves as proof that anime makes people gay. The vast majority of the anime fanbase identifies with terms such as ‘intersex’ and other made up words for being gay; and the fact that a faggot who watches anime would glorify autistic anime characters enough to even have a one as his profile picture online is a twisted perversion of basic moral values. As Westerners, whose values are based on morality, we should be appalled by all of the cringey degenerates who spread the contagion of anime to furthest reaches of the internet through there mere choice of avatars.

It is also worthy of observation that since anime is escapism, fans of anime very soon prefer fantasy worlds over reality and become worthless, lazy neo-communists who merely hide in their fantasy world of anime instead of focusing on bettering themselves and their own lives. Anime has always had a fan-base of basement dwellers who have an extraordinarily unhealthy obsession with fantasy cartoons, and because of that, the majority of wasted cyberspace is taken up by degeneracy most often rooted in idiotic anime subcultures. Anime is the cancer of society, and is a malignant plague on the internet. Unfortunately, the degeneracy of anime doesn’t remain contained to the internet or even at least confined the basements of neckbeards. No; the social-entropy of anime is much worse; and the degeneracy of anime manifests itself in the lives of people all around us. Anime fans become fat and lazy slobs whose minds are merely an empty void of ideas, as anime drains from their minds any willingness to learn about fundamental truths and philosophies. No one denies this, and as all anime fans admit, anime is simply mindless fantasy entertainment in order to escape reality – yet just like any other drug or addiction used for the pleasure of escaping reality, anime is only a vice of evil. Many anime fans become unspeakably obsessed with anime and develop these weird fixations of adopting cringey aspects of Japanese culture, which anime fans then use to pervert our Western culture with the influences of inferior weebish-cultural values. Anime fans are unproductive and do not build, develop, or even maintain modern civilization. Anime fans merely tear down our culture as they waste their lives away getting fat and watching anime, while being completely oblivious to the real world problems destroying civilization.

Anime is inherently void of any intellectual value, and through its very existence, anime threatens the very roots of liberty that our nation was founded on. Anime is the manifest expression of all evil in the world, and as far as morals go, anime endorses a very perverted view of morality. By watching anime, people commit the crime of glorifying violence, hate, and cruelty. Even relatively ‘family-friendly’ anime often shows extreme cruelty and violence, typically against to whichever character is portrayed as the “villain.” Therefore, it is not absurd to conclude that, given anime’s influence, it is the cause of all crimes, murders, and shootings, and yes; it wouldn’t even be a stretch to conclude that anime is most likely even the cause of most terrorism. Anime isn’t the only form of entertainment that does this, yet is it a surprise that hearts of so many have grown dark, cold, bitter, and uncaring? Kindness is rare in this world, and yet ironically kindness costs nothing to give.

I know it must be extremely difficult for anime fans, as the aforementioned intellectually void idle brains that they are, to grasp the true depth and ultimate reality of the evil nature of anime. It takes only a very small glance into anime to realize that anime wholly serves to bring back the nature of the barbarian world: A nature of uncivilized people, void of an inclination towards intellectual pursuits; the consequence of which being that we as a nation are racing towards the abyss, but many of us simply refuse to wake up, because in the abstract world of fantasy escapism, people see only lies to distract them from facing reality. Anime is a disgusting and inferior form of entertainment that could never hope to measure up to the pristine glory of true intellectual pastimes. True patriots spend their leisure time reading scholarly classical literature glorifying the 18th and 19th century time periods; and like it or not, people who grow up having anime characters as their role models are going to be a cringey blight on civilization. There never has never existed and never will exist be a more disgusting form of communist entertainment than anime.

The remarks here serve to reaffirm that the soulless hoards of human drudgery which consume anime very quickly transition into defective parasites who drain and defile our great Western society. Only the communists and the gays watch anime – as it is an entertainment which in turn encourages them to worship communism, and turns otherwise normal people into an inferior species of creature that society may or may not be better off without. May we forever take pride in the glory of our culture, and may our families and political allies never be corrupted by entertainment which results from radiation poisoning.

4 комментария

Straight facts and logic.


Pishi po iaponski chtob naverniaka


Chto skazat to hotel? 


You arw the kind of the person that get us labbed nazis and right wing facists.
