Traditionally, we invite new users to play together.Hi!We’re playing Among Us again this Sunday. If you want to take part in the game, write in the comments.This time a special guest will join us, so one seat is already taken. Who is it? Secret. But we will be very glad if the guest joins us. Stream will also be as usual. The link to the broadcast will be in the final post.Let’s have fun and cheat!P.S. Can you find Babai in the picture?
Блять, ты спецом поставил пикчу из Тёмных Душ 3 ? Прямо режешь без ножа, Апанасика на тебя нет!
@Andrey Apanasik wtf man?
меня позовите
И почему там храм огня?
Because i can
I've found only a Robert Eye
But can you find the eye of Robert Eye?
А ноунеймам можно участвовать? Я бы вписался.