Да, перевод чисто моё почтение But the reality is that at the speed these projectiles travel, having a circle collider in the center provides nearly the exact same user experience with drastically less CPU demand. It is the only reason Exit can run on a phone, and why Enter likely never willКороче, упростили hit detection, чтобы процессоры мобилок не взрывались
с помощью кругового коллайдера Exit the Gungeon можно запустить на мобильных устройствах
Да, перевод чисто моё почтение
But the reality is that at the speed these projectiles travel, having a circle collider in the center provides nearly the exact same user experience with drastically less CPU demand. It is the only reason Exit can run on a phone, and why Enter likely never willКороче, упростили hit detection, чтобы процессоры мобилок не взрывались