
с 10.01.2024
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Well, congratulations, and thank you for mentionning Porkbelly and me. That's certainly a unique project.

A lot of congrats to Sightsaber, first for instigating your retro-dive, but also because, by experience with my own project, "playing" the games is the easy part. Finding them and making them work? Harder...

... of course, the hardest might be the "written things about it without being boring" part, and that's on you too.


Good one. It looks like you started with the worse of Apple II, so it should get better.


Hey! You got a citation: at around 3h 20m :).

There's some suggestion they made to me but did not forward because I think Sightsaber has them.


Given you have not started the Apple II yet, I am going to say that you will still be in the late 70s early 80s in 6 months. After that, it should start to become more modern.


In 6 months, there is a good chance you are still on the TRS-80. Sightsaber may have found 30, but by experience if you star digging you always find more on TRS-80.

C64 in the future will be the same, only a little less so, but at least C64 is easy to emulate. For TRS-80, it is an adventure in itself every time :).

Still, I know how it is funny to unearth a new forgotten game every time.


OK, I am honesly impressed that you managed to find FOUR games for the Zenith-89 AND managed to run an emulator on it! Great job.


Hey, Scribe here! Thank you and Sightsaber for the kind words!

About NYCPSW, it was not my playthrought, by Mike's. I had the same issue as you did, the game was too irresponsive to be played. Note that I did not discover its existence: someone ("Vedder") had added it back to Mobygames in 2020, though clearly he did not play it. This prompted Porkbelly to check his personal collection (!) of the Ohio Scientific Small Systems Journal and post it (for the first time I think on Internet), which then triggered LanHawk to type it. Teamwork, folks!

Good catch on Star Wars Rescue and the Versatile 1 version - and good luck finding the latter.

"и пусть прикосновение было не особо приятным, руку я мыть какое-то время всё же не буду." => I'll keep that one for my own blog :).


"... I will follow your career with great interest!"