Как устроена магия в мирах Dungeons & Dragons

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Автор: <a href="https://www.artstation.com/victoradameart" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">Victor Adame</a>
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Знатоки, подскажите пожалуйста - в текущей версии ДнД жива ли Мистра и осталось ли её плетение (пряжа)?


Mystra returned to the Forgotten Realms in 1479 DR. A vestige of Mystra had survived her death in 1385 DR, and was guiding her Chosen to aid in her renewal. The Simbul was tasked to close multiple rifts in the Weave and between realms. In doing this task, she absorbed much Silverfire and Blue Flame. The Simbul gifted all of that energy to Elminster, who in turn freely returned it to Mystra in a cave within the King's Forest of Cormyr. This new Mystra was a combination of the memories of Mystra and Midnight/Mystra, and presumably of Mystryl as she had drawn her memories from the Weave rather than from personal experience.

Mystra's return was highlighted as part of the Dungeons & Dragons Encounters adventure War of Everlasting Darkness by Wizards of the Coast in 2012. She assisted the adventurers in defeating Lolth and her efforts to plunge Faerun into everlasting darkness, which would have allowed the drow to invade and conquer the surface realms.


Несколько лет назад точно была какая-то возня за её пряжу, так как сама Мистра была не при делах. Жива она или нет не могу сказать.

По пятой редакции вот что нашёл:

The return of Mystra in 5e was actually done quite elegantly: playing on plot hooks laid several editions earlier. Even though Mystra as a deity was "dead" she lived on as a Vestige. Despite this, remember that half her power was invested elsewhere in the cosmos.

Her most powerful Chosen, a woman called The Simbul, gathered up a whole bunch of magical energy and combined it with that of Elminster who in turn used it to resurrect the goddess, creating a new amalgam of 1e Mystra & 2/3e Midnight all in one package.

Но пятая редакция уже очень много сезонов длится, Rage of Demons были где-то в середине, а возня за пряжу была как раз перед ним. Не могу точно сказать, когда её воскресили: в начале сезона, после возни за пряжу или ещё когда.


Судя по всему жива всё же. Нашел здесь (https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/1491_DR), запись:
Mystra imposes heavy restrictions on the use of mind-reading and mind-reaming magic, especially when used on other spellcasters[3]
Книга 2016 г.в. События уже после Rage of Demons.
